Saturday, August 17, 2013

I am running!

This blog serves 2 purposes: track my training for those who have donated to my race/races and to allow my mom to know I am alive and not buried within the 4 walls of the hospital never to return.

I am currently enjoying a french vanilla coffee and toast gearing up for my first long run since my injury (for you medical people that's PID 17 unclear etiology). My foot and ankle feel fantastic and I checked in with my favorite orthopod and I am cleared of a stress fracture aka I can run at my own risk.  This is extremely important to me as I have surpassed my fundraising goal for the half marathon and am well on my way to making a great contribution to the Children's Cancer Program! I also did yoga for the first time in about 2 months last week and could not raise my arms above my head for a good 3 days... oof.

I'm thinking about ordering a few new items from Oiselle's running line, I will review once sweated in and worn!

Today's run: 4 miles
Power song: "I'm Legit" -Nicki Minaj

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