Thursday, August 29, 2013

Okay I lied

My training plan today was for 3 miles. I am trying not to push my miles to prevent injury. BUT I couldn't do it. The weather today was 65 degrees for the first time in forever and it was overcast, slightly breezy, and I got out of work early. I had to do an extra mile (or 2).  There is a reason: the first 2 miles of a run I always feel awful. 3 miles allows me to only enjoy 1 mile of my run. My first two miles I get the cramps and stiff joints shaken out and loosened up and then I can finally ease into a pace that runs a fine line between making me want to vomit and pure joy.  Despite what my picture looks like I honestly did enjoy my run. Oh and I got my new Nuun water bottle... awesome.
I take ridiculously sexy selfies.
I am 1 day away from vacation. A month vacation! This rare thing in the fourth year of medical school where they make you take time off... a type A gunner's worst nightmare. At least I will be ramping up my mileage and can focus on cooking lots of new delicious veg meals! 

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