Monday, September 2, 2013

Back on Track!

I am officially caught up to my pre-injury weekly mileage goals. After ruling out a stress fracture and going into serious icing mode, I would say I lost about 16 days total from my 12 week plan. For someone with a type A personality who plans every detail this was infuriating, challenging, and I wish I could say I grew from it as a person but let's be honest, no run=no fun.  So last week instead of doing 7 miles I pushed it to 8 for my long run and it felt glorious.

I ALSO GOT MY GARMIN FORERUNNER IN THE MAIL! Oh my lord, I'm in love. It was pouring out today so I couldn't run with my iphone which I use to track my mileage normally. I slapped on the waterproof garmin and ran hills dodging rivers that were forming and ignoring the few flashes of lightening I saw.  Apparently I have become hardcore in the past month or so because last year at this time I would have said um no get me to Planet Fitness or just ditched it all together.

This Week's Plan:
Monday (today)- 2 miles
Tuesday- 3.5 miles
Wednesday- Rest day
Thursday- 3 miles
Friday- Rest day
Saturday- 9 miles
Sunday- Yoga

Any suggestions for gels or blocks for longer runs? I tried the Vega Raspberry gel and I almost threw up during my run which is so disappointing because Vega protein powder is a staple in my pantry :(

Pre-run in the torrential downpour!

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